Vidhyarthi, The Man Who Fought Against the Mighty British Empire Through Journalism

Aligarh: India has produced many fearless and courageous journalists who have shaken powerful empires using their power of the pen. Ganesh Shankar Vidyarthi was one of the coveted, courageous and fearless journalists of India who is highly acclaimed for his unprecedented work in the field of journalism. Through his unbiased journalism and powerful writing, Vidyarthi played a significant role in the anti-British movement. He released his Newspaper, “Pratap” from Kanpur. Through this Newspaper, he mainlypublished news related to revolutionary activities in India.  Due to such activities, the British Government sent…

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प्रेस विज्ञप्ति विद्यार्थी ने पत्रकारिता के माध्यम से किया था अंग्रेजों से संघर्ष

अलीगढ़। देश में ऐसे कई पत्रकार हुए हैं जिन्होंने अपनी कलम से कुर्सियों को हिलाया है गणेशशंकर विद्यार्थी का नाम भी ऐसे ही पत्रकार के रुप में लिया जाता है। विद्यार्थी ने निष्पक्ष पत्रकारिता के माध्यम से अंग्रेजों के खिलाफ संघर्ष किया था। उन्होंने अपनी कर्मभूमि कानपुर से प्रताप अखबार निकाला था। इसमें वे स्वतंत्रता के लिए आंदोलन कर रहे क्रांतिकारियों की खबरों को प्रमुखता से प्रकाशित करते थे। इसी कारण अंग्रेजों ने कई बार उन्हें जेल में डाल दिया। लेकिन उन्होंने सदैव निर्भीक व निडर होकर कार्य किया। बदलते दौर में युवा पत्रकारों को विद्यार्थी के जीवन आदर्शों को अपने जीवन में आत्मसात…

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Mangalayatan university

There are many branches of engineering but most of them are about solving problems in the physical realm. Mechanical engineering is about solving problems with the engineering of machines and devices. It builds on other engineering skills and other branches of engineering and brings them together to solve problems and create new and exciting machines and technologies. Diploma in Mechanical Engineering is one of the good and most sought-after degrees in India and abroad. It is known as a career in itself and in India has a lot of scopes…

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