ग्रामीणों को दी क्षयरोग की जानकारी

मंविवि के रेडियो नारद ने मई गांव में चलाया जागरूकता अभियान अलीगढ़। मंगलायतन विश्वविद्यालय के रेडियो नारद 90.4 एफएम व स्मार्ट संस्था दिल्ली के संयुक्त तत्वाधान में गांव मई पूरना में क्षयरोग जागरूकता कार्यक्रम का आयोजन द टीबी चैलेंज अभियान के अंतर्गत किया गया। कार्यक्रम का आयोजन डीजेएमसी विभागाध्यक्ष डा. संतोष गौतम के नेतृत्व में हेल्थ एंड वेलनेस सेंटर में हुआ। विशेषज्ञों और रेडियो के माध्यम से लोगों को क्षयरोग के लक्षणों, पहचान और इलाज के संबंध में जागरुक किया गया। मंगलायतन आयुर्वेदा कालेज एवं शोध केंद्र की डाक्टर प्रतिभा प्रकाश…

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Tribute To Martyrdom of Guru Gobind Singh and His Sons

India is land of extraordinary genius and courageous people who did supreme sacrifice for the nation. Guru Gobind Singhthe tenth Sikh Guru, a spiritual master, warrior, poet and philosopher who sacrificed his life for the righteousness. The martyrdom of Guru Gobind Singh and his sons reminds us that a person should not compromise with his principle. Mangalayatan University Aligarh organize webinar and paid humble tribute to martyrdom of Guru Gobind Singh and his sons. India recognizes this day “Veer Ball Dibash” on the call of the Prime Minister Narendra Modi.…

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Fresher Party: Ryan and Disha Mr. Fresher and Miss Fresher Respectively

Mangalayatan University

Mangalayatan University Aligarh has tradition to mingle the senior students with the newcomers through ‘Freshers Party’, which is organized every year. The fresher party aims to welcome juniors with warmth and enthusiasm thereby they may feel as an integral part of Mangalayatan University. Jovial smiles and high spirits mark the welcome party for the students. With pulsating ambience, flashing lights and foot tapping music, the party begins with a blast. It is a fun filled event at which the freshers get an opportunity not only to showcase their talents but…

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Fresher Party: Seniors Welcomed Juniors with Warmth and Enthusiasm

fresher party Mangalayatan university

Mangalayatan University Aligarh has tradition to mingle the senior students with the newcomers through ‘Freshers Party’, which is organized every year. The fresher party aims to welcome juniors with warmth and enthusiasm thereby they may feel as an integral part of Mangalayatan University. Jovial smiles and high spirits mark the welcome party for the students. With pulsating ambience, flashing lights and foot tapping music, the party begins with a blast. It is a fun filled event at which the freshers get an opportunity not only to showcase their talents but…

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Health Campaign Focused On “Tuberculosis (TB) Challenge”

Mangalayatan university

Today, government has mission to abolish Tuberculosis (TB) and Polio completely. Where the World Health Organization (WHO) declared India “Polio-free nation” in 2014, the same Tuberculosis (TB) is still a major issue in the country. Therefore, Government has made a comprehensive plan to abolish Tuberculosis (TB) completely from the country by 2025. This is where the role of educational institutes becomes very crucial and also a great opportunity for them to serve country and society. On 20th December 2022, Mangalayatan University Aligarh conducted a health campaign collaborating with Radio Narada…

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12thAnniversary of Digambar Jin Temple Celebrated with Pomp and Grandeur

12th Anniversary of Digambar Jin Temple Celebrated with Pomp and Grandeur at Mangalayatan University Aligarh. This was an auspicious day for the University where all religious and cultural rituals did with dedication and devotion. On this blissful event, eminent dignitaries of the University including the Vice Chancellor Professor P.K. Dashora and the Registrar Professor Dinesh Sharma were present. They shed light on the significance of spirituality and celibacy for student life. In addition, they also highlighted the glorious achievement of the University in last 10 years. Administrative officers Gopal Rajput,…

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गोष्ठी में गुरु गोविंद सिंह के साहबजादों को दी श्रद्धांजलि

अलीगढ़। मंगलायतन विश्वविद्यालय में सोमवार को प्रथम वीर बाल दिवस का आयोजन एनएसएस व एमयूएससी के संयुक्त तत्वावधान में किया गया। वेबिनार के माध्यम से आयोजित गोष्ठी के प्रारंभ में छात्र निदेशक प्रो. सिद्धार्थ जैन ने बताया कि प्रधानमंत्री नरेन्द्र मोदी के आव्हान पर वीर बाल दिवस प्रथम बार भारत में मनाया जा रहा है। आज के दिन गुरु गोविंद सिंह के साहबजादे जोरावर सिंह साहब और फतेह सिंह साहब को जीवित दीवार में चिनवा दिया गया था। गोष्ठी में साहबजादों की निष्ठा, देश के प्रति कुर्बानी को शत-शत नमन किया…

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विद्यार्थियों को व्यक्तिगत विकास व रोजगार कौशल का दिया प्रशिक्षण

मंगलायतन विश्वविद्यालय में चार दिवसीय व्यक्तिगत विकास व रोजगार कौशल प्रशिक्षण कार्यक्रम का आयोजन किया गया। कार्यक्रम का आयोजन सीएसी, आईबीएमसी, टीएनपी विभाग द्वारा रूबिकन स्किल डवलपमेंट के सहयोग से किया गया। कार्यक्रम में प्रशिक्षकों द्वारा विभिन्न बिंदुओं पर विद्यार्थिंयों को प्रशिक्षण दिया। जिसमें करीब 125 विद्यार्थियों द्वारा सहभागिता की गई। प्रशिक्षक मोहित मोर्य ने संगठनात्मक संरचना, ई-मेल शिष्टाचार, बॉडी लेंग्वेज, समूह चर्चा, साक्षात्कार आदि विषयों का प्रशिक्षण देते हुए बताया कि शिक्षा के साथ विद्यार्थियों को अपने अंदर इस तरह का विकास करना चाहिए कि उन्हें रोजगार के अवसर…

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Priya and Pradeep Became Mr. Fresherand Miss Fresher of Audio-Visual Arts Department

Fresher’s party is all about making the best start to the new academic year. This is the time to create everlasting relationships with each other. Continuing with the proud tradition of the college, senior students and newcomers of the college mingled with each other at the fresher’s welcome party. The purpose of Fresher’s party is to welcome newcomers in a friendly atmosphere to make them feel homely and to encourage their creative impulses to boost their confidence. Senior students of Department of Audio-Visual Arts of Mangalayatan University organized a Freshers…

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Colosseum Sports Festival Ended Successfully

The ongoing Collegium Sports Fest 2022-23 ended successfully at Mangalayatan University Aligarh. The Vice Chancellor of the University Prof. PK Dashora appeared at the event as Chief Guest and he encouraged players with his inspiring words. Dr. Shiv Kumar coordinated the sport event. In this sport event 370 boys and 40 girls participated. Anuj Sharma&Rachit Saparia, Kunal& Ranbahadur, and Yash Jadon & Abhishek Raj got first, second and third position in Badminton respectively. In 400-meter race, Hemant Thenuan, Umesh, and Shailesh got first, second and third position respectively. On this…

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