शल्य चिकित्सा में एनेस्थीसिया का है विशेष महत्व

मंगलायतन विश्वविद्यालय में सोमवार को इंस्टीट्यूट ऑफ नर्सिंग एंड पैरामेडिकल द्वारा विश्व एनेस्थीसिया दिवस पर सेमिनार का आयोजन किया गया। इस दौरान विद्यार्थियों को पीपीटी के माध्यम से एनेस्थीसिया से संबंधित जानकारी प्रदान की गई। वहीं केक काटकर इस दिवस को सेलीब्रेट किया गया। मुख्य अतिथि डीन एकेडमिक प्रो. उल्लास गुरुदास ने कार्यक्रम के आयोजन पर प्रशन्नता व्यक्त करते हुए कहा कि शल्य चिकित्सा में एनेस्थीसिया का विशेष महत्व है। विभागाध्यक्ष डा. राहुल तिवारी ने एनेस्थीसिया के प्रकारों के संबंध में विस्तार से जानकारी देते हुए कहा कि एनेस्थीसिया से…

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Academia Tour The University, Students Acquired Sound Knowledge of Manufacturing

To enhances students’ intellectual discipline, professional leadership, technical acumen, problem-solving skills, and industrial experience,the University organized academiatour wherein students acquired sound knowledge of manufacturing, micro, small and medium enterprises. This academia tour aims to enlighten students with the nitty-gritty of corporate sectors, startup culture, and the Company Act-2013. In this academia tour, students also visited National Small Industries Corporation and acquitted with the significance of MSME sectors. Upon completion of this educational tour, coordinator Rajesh Panchsara and the participants were congratulated by Prof. KVSM Krishna, Controller of Examinations Prof. Dinesh…

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One Day Workshop on Blockchain Technology

Blockchain Technology is an emerging and state-of-the-art technology suitable for decentralized and transactional sharing of data across a large network of untrusted participants. It is an innovative distributed ledger technology where verification data for the transactional records is cryptographically secured against tampering and stored in blocks. Each block contains details of transactions, hash of the previous block, timestamp etc. Blocks are linked with each other, leading to a Block Chain and this is stored at every node in the network. This enables transparency and gives a unique solution to the…

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8th Convocation: 1,125 Student Received Their Degree

Dainik Jagran

After the hiatus of two years, the 8th convocation ceremony of Mangalayatan University saw 1125 students from undergraduate, postgraduate, and Ph.D. programmes being awarded degrees and medals at on-campus event. On this event, students awarded gold and silver medal for their splendid performance in academics. The Chief Guest on the occasion was Prof. Achyutyanand Mishra who appreciated students’ effort and dedication. He further said that, students are pillars of the nation and they should channelize their energy in proper direction to achieve a great height in career. Set The Target…

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Free Health Check-Up of 192 Patients

In this auspicious occasion of Shardiya Navratri 2022, according to the instruction of The Chairman of the University, Mr. Hemant Goyal, free health checkup of 192 patients done at Mangalayatan Hospital of the University. In these noble deeds, the staff of Mangalayatan Hospital participated with enthusiasm. They not only did health checkup but also distributed free medicines. In this free health checkup camp, doctors of the University consulted patients who were suffering from blood pressure, breathing shortness, diabetes and provided free medicines to them. In this health checkup camp, the…

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Plantation Drive Organized at University

plantation image (1)

Volunteers of National Service Scheme and students of pharmacy jointly conducted plantation drive. This plantation drive aims to maintain the greenery of the campus and creating mass awareness. Under the leadership of Devprakash Dahiya, students planted saplings of mango, pomegranate, guava, blackberry, and neem plants. In this plantation drive, the spokespersons of the pharmacy department and the programme participated enthusiastically. Eminent dignitaries who participated in the event, they shed light on the significance of plantation and said through such plantation future generations will enjoy clean and green environment. Luv Mittal,…

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कैंसर पीड़ित के जीवन आंनद को खत्म न होने दें

अलीगढ़। मंगलायतन विश्वविद्यालय में गुरुवार को मंगलायतन आयुर्वेदा एंड मेडिकल कालेज रिसर्च सेंटर, इंस्टीट्यूट ऑफ नर्सिंग एंड पेरामेडिकल साइंस, मंगलायतन हॉस्पिटल एवं रेड रिवन क्लब के संयुक्त तत्वाधान में विश्व रोज डे मनाया गया। इस दौरान कैंसर जैसी घातक बीमारी से लड़ रहे लोगों का उत्साह वर्धन करने व उनका सम्मान करने की शपथ दिलाई गई। कार्यक्रम को संबोधित करते हुए कुलपति प्रो. केवीएसएम कृष्णा ने कहा कि कैंसर एक घातक बीमारी है, इससे व्यक्ति के मानसिक स्वास्थ्य पर भी असर पड़ता है। हमारी जिम्मेदारी है कि हम कैंसर पीड़ित…

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Webinar Organized at Mangalayatan University Aligarh

A One Day Webinar on “Innovation & Entrepreneurship” was organized by Mangalayatan University Aligarh. The Program aims to provide opportunities to undergraduate students, Postgraduate students and Faculty members to enrich their skills for various innovations in entrepreneurship and also promoting startup culture in the country. Eminent dignitaries participated in the event and they highlighted on the significance of entrepreneurship and startups. The Vice Chancellor of the University Professor KVSM Krishna has chaired the Webinar. He expressed his view on today’s entrepreneurship culture and also shed light on the role of…

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Vishwakarma Puja at Mangalayatan University

Vishwakarma is known as the divine Engineer since the Puranic age. As a mark of reverence the Lord Vishwakarma is not only worshiped by the engineering community but also by all other professionals. Vishwakarma Puja is celebrated at the University on 17 September 2022. Lord Vishwakarma is the presiding deity of all architects. The Lord Vishwakarma is the official builder of all the God’s palaces, and the designer of all celestial vehicles and weapons. Lord Vishwakarma is regarded as the God of architecture and engineering. The Pooja was performed at…

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The President of Higher Education Council of Uttar Pradesh, Dr. Girish Chandra Tripathi Visited Mangalayatan University

Aligarh, 6 September 2022: Due to academic excellence, state-of-the-art academic infrastructure, and well-qualified & well-seasoned academicians; Mangalayatan University Aligarh is doing sublime work in the sphere of higher education. The University is not only uplifting the standard of higher education but also playing a significant role in serving the society through various social programmes. Today, the University is highly acclaimed and coveted for its academic reputation across the nation. On 6th September 2022, the President of Higher Education Council of Uttar Pradesh, Dr. Girish Chandra Tripathi visited Mangalayatan University to…

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