Law Department students of the University visited the prison

Mangalayatan university

The Institute of Legal Studies and Research of Mangalayatan University took the students of the Department of Law on an educational tour to Aligarh District Jail under a competitive course. Whose purpose was to give legal advice to the prisoners, and to get information about the prison environment. The students understood the discipline system of the prison by entering the District Jail through due process. The girl students went to the women’s barrack and the students to the men’s barrack and got information related to their daily routine from the…

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Youth warned about increasing dependence on the internet Program on cyber and social crime awareness in Mangalayatan University

Mangalayatan University

A cyber and social crime awareness program was organized at Mangalayatan University. The program was organized under the aegis of the Uttar Pradesh Crime Prevention Committee. Cyber security expert Dr. Rakshit Tandon warned the youth about the increasing dependence on the internet. Along with the advantages of the internet, there are also disadvantages. Currently, cyber crime is increasing. Explained closely in relation to what is cybercrime and how it can be controlled. He told that smartphone users should keep their email ID the most secure. Before downloading any app, press…

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Mental consciousness or self-observation is the dominant factor in the painting.

Mangalayatan University

A live demonstration-based guest lecture session on painting was organized at Mangalayatan University. The primary objective of conducting the lecture at Shipra Block was to acquaint the participating students with the principles of painting and its various technical aspects and how to apply those principles on canvas on a practical basis. Eminent artist and educationist Dr. Shivendra Singh was invited to conduct a lecture-demonstration session on the topic “Psyche Consciousness and Expression: In the Context of Painting”. Assistant Professor Ajay Singh Rathore welcomed the guest. Pro. Singh explained various aspects…

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Include yoga in your daily routine to stay away from diseases

Mangalayatan University

World Yoga Day is being celebrated by Mangalayatan University’s Radio Narad and Simka Sanstha. The theme of the program has been kept as Yoga Vasudev Kodambakkam. The program will conclude on June 21 on World Yoga Day. Under the programme, students and professors benefit from yoga training. Yoga teacher Bhavna Raj threw light on the importance of yoga in the yoga training program organized at Shipra Auditorium. He taught anulom antonyms, different types of pranayama, asanas and mudras. He told that yoga is an integral part of our life. Yoga…

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Audios-2023 organized, bid farewell to final year students

Mangalayatan University

The confluence of songs, music, Shayari ki Jhankar, Hansi ki fuhar, moist eyes overflowing with love for loved ones was seen in the Audios 2023 (farewell ceremony) organized by Mangalayatan University’s “School of Pharmacy” Institute. Farewell was given to the final year students of B Pharmacy and D Pharmacy of the School of Pharmacy. In which Annu Singh Miss Audios and Shivkant Mr. Audios of B Pharmacy were elected. While Ankit Mr Farewell and Neha Miss Farewell of D Pharmacy were selected. The program was inaugurated by the Principal of…

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Ankita became Miss and Prashant became Mr. Farewell

Mangalayatan university

Farewell party was organized by Department of Arts in Mangalayatan University at Sabarmati Block. The juniors bid farewell to the final year students in the programme. During this triveni of song, music and dance flowed. Students gave a lot of applause by giving more than one presentation. Inauguration of the program by Prof. Ankur Agarwal lit the lamp in front of Maa Saraswati and wished the students. Miss Farewell Ankita Bhardwaj and Mr. Farewell Prashant were selected in the program. All the winners were awarded by the Head of the…

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Use of plastic causes fatal disease like cancer

Mangalayatan University

In Mangalayatan University, on the occasion of World Environment Day, a program was organized by the Department of Civil Engineering on the topic of impact of plastic pollution on the environment. The main speaker was Dr. Saifullah Khan, Department of Civil Engineering, Aligarh Muslim University. The chief speaker said that every citizen should follow the schemes implemented by the government on the prevention of plastic pollution. While administering oath to the students, he said that instead of using plastic bags in future, use bags made of jute. Because due to…

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Players give new flight to competition with regular practice

Mangalayatan University

 A three-day Inter Department Badminton Tournament is being organized by the Department of Physical Education and Sports at Mangalayatan University. Inauguration on Tuesday, Chief Guest Vice Chancellor Prof. PK Dashora did it by cutting the ribbon. Sending best wishes on organizing the event, he said that the players should keep practicing regularly by staying disciplined and give a new flight to their competition. Every possible help will be provided by the university for the better future of the players. This type of sports event brings out the talents. He also…

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पर्यावरण आधारित क्विज कम्पटीशन का हुआ आयोजन

विश्व पर्यावरण दिवस के अवसर पर मंगलायतन विश्वविद्यालय में एप्लाइड साइंस संस्थान एवं राष्ट्रीय सेवा योजना की इकाई संख्या दो के संयुक्त तत्वाधान में पर्यावरण आधारित क्विज कम्पटीशन का आयोजन किया गया। जिसमें 105 प्रतिभागियों ने भाग लिया। प्रतियोगिता में पर्यावरण बचाने एवं प्लास्टिक हटाने से संबंधित विषय पर प्रश्नोत्तर रखे गए थे। यह प्रतियोगिता बहु विकल्पीय प्रश्नों पर आधारित थी। प्रतियोगिता का आयोजन डा. स्वामी अग्रवाल व कार्यक्रम अधिकारी लव मित्तल ने संयुक्त रूप से किया। संस्थान के अध्यक्ष प्रो. यतेंद्र पाल सिंह ने आयोजन के इस प्रयास की…

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पौधरोपण के साथ ली पर्यावरण बचाने की शपथ

मंगलायतन विश्वविद्यालय के मंगलायतन आयुर्वेदा मेडिकल कॉलेज एंड रिसर्च सेंटर द्वारा सोमवार को विश्व पर्यावरण दिवस मनाया गया। इस दौरान विधि विधान से पौधों का पूजन कर पौधरोपण किया। वहीं, संकाय सदस्यों द्वारा पर्यावरण बचाने की शपथ ली गई। मुख्य अतिथि कुलसचिव बिग्रे. समरवीर सिंह ने पौधों का पूजन किया और सभी को पर्यावरण बचाने व दूसरों को भी इसके लिए प्रेरित करने की शपथ दिलाई। इस दौरान विश्वविद्यालय के हर्बल गार्डन में पौधरोपण किया गया। कुलसचिव ने कहा कि वर्तमान समय में पर्यावरण को बचाने के लिए दैनिक जीवन…

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